Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Child of God—Energy

As staff at Sunset Lake, we have a mission to change lives and show children God. But often the shoe ends up on the other foot, and it is our lives that are changed. Children, in all their innocence and sincerity, often are some of the brightest examples of God.
                Only kids would excitedly rush to take each other’s trays to the counter. The enthusiasm during recreation period is contagious as giggles echo through the ball field. Kids have a liveliness  to be marveled at.  Though their physical energy is astounding, I wonder at their spiritual energy even more.  Their passion for God, for others, and for life in general is inspiring.
                Last week, during a wakeboarding class, the boat had a problem. Stuck in the middle of the lake, wet and not able to wakeboard, the situation seemed prone to a bout of complaining and unhappy children waiting to be rescued. Quickly, though, it became obvious we had poorly underestimated these kids. There was no crying or murmuring; in fact, there was an extremely optimistic, helpful spirit. Instead of waiting to be towed out, the children volunteered to swim the boat ashore. Their valiant act was greatly appreciated.
                Understandably, I have been moved by the children’s zeal. Watching them run up a hill to get front row seats for worship made me wonder why we are not the same way at church? Have we lost the excitement for Jesus? Why do we drag our feet when the VBS at our church needs volunteers? How come we have to dutifully schedule in that time for devotions? Why? …I think a big part of it is we have lost that child-like enthusiasm.
                Luke 18:17 says, "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." Often we take this text as referring to children’s unquestioning faith and trust, and I believe those are important. Yet, perhaps Jesus was also talking about the passion of children. Their excitement and wonder for Him are qualities I believe as Christians we should all strive for. Working here at Sunset Lake Camp, my life has been touched through the smiling faces of God’s children.

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