Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunset Lake Camp ... The Road Trip Begins

Welcome to Sunset Lake Camp's blog site. For those of you just joining us, feel free to look back over all the archived posts to catch up with all that has happened in the last several months at camp.

I am so excited about our upcoming summer season. After much hard work our camp brochure was released on March 25 and should be in mail boxes any time now. If for some reason you don't receive one, please contact the camp at 360-829-0311 and we will get one out to you.

Right away you'll notice some differences in this year's brochure. Rather than simply being an informational piece, this year's brochure tells the story of one camper's cross-country road trip to come to camp. Along the way you'll discover what makes Sunset Lake special and learn about some of the great new stuff happening at camp this year.

Missing in this year's brochure is the DVD. Don't worry, it didn't fall out . Instead, all of our video content will now be on the internet on our new YouTube channel. Here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/user/SunsetLakeCamp  Within a few days our 2010 promotional video will be posted. But that is just the start. Each section of the brochure is linked to a corresponding informational video online. These will be up in the next couple of weeks. We will also be posting a series of devotional messages that will prepare campers fo for their week at camp. Then during the summer we will have a continuous stream of video updates being posted. We encourage you to subscribe to our channel and watch and share the videos however you like.

This blog site will also be an important communcation link as we prepare for summer. Look for new posts at least once or twice a week and more frequently than that during the summer. On this site we will be sharing stories of how God is working at Sunset Lake as well as news and information that will be helpful  as you prepare for your summer camp experience.

The final piece in our communcation network is our facebook page. You can find this at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sunset-Lake-Road-Trip-2010/262455555016?ref=mf  The facebook page will give you instant updates and be a great place to share photos, video, and fun camp memories. We encourage you to become a fan of this page and stay connected with us as we prepare for summer.

I can't wait to see you at camp this summer. As you look over the brochure, we encourage you to decide which camp your our your child would like to attend and then sign up as soon as possible. Registration opened February and we are already experiencing record enrollements. Family Camp and some our our speciality and summit camps are filling fast. In fact we already have over 100 registrants for family camp. If you need financial assistance, please let us know. Our funds are limited, but we will do all we can to help.

Have a wonderful spring ... and we'll see you at Sunset Lake this summer.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughts on the Staff Hiring Process

Today is the best day and the worst. It's a day I look forward to all year and a day I dread. This afternoon emails were sent out to the 2010 staff applicants notifying them of their summer employment status. For two months I have traveled over 17,000 miles to 5 colleges and universities and three academies. I have interviewed more than 150 applicants. The young adults I have talked with are some of the brightest and best out there. Every year I am amazed at their courage, their passion for Christ and their desire to serve him. Even though I only get to spend 20-30 minutes with each of them I get to know them -- I learn from them -- I remember them -- and they impact my life.

It is exciting to see how God brings just the right people that we need. My associate and I spend days in front a white board pouring over reference forms and interview notes praying for guidance. And God leads -- he opens doors and closes them. Often we don't know why. It's awesome to look at the white board when all the names have been chosen and wonder what God has in store for the summer. This year, like all the others I leave this hiring process with a sense of expectation. It's going to be a great summer!

But at the same time I have to tell the majority of the applicants that I don't have a spot for them. No one will ever know the how hard that is for me. I was the kid on the baseball field that always got picked last. I was the one stood on the sidelines and wondered if there was a place for me. If I had enough budget, enough housing and a big enough camp I'd hire them all. I'd help each of those 150+ applicants discover God's calling in their life and the value he's placed in them. And stand back in awe at what they could do. But in the end I only have 75 spots.

So for some, today will be a great day -- God has answered their prayers! For others, on our waiting list, their going to have to watch for what God is yet to do. And for still others today will be a very hard day as their dream is dashed.  I just pray that every person I have met over the past two months understands that the email they received today has no bearing on their infinite value in God's eyes and the calling he has placed on their life. Whether they were accepted or turned down God has an amazing summer in store for them as they look to serve him.

So as I bring another hiring season to a close it is my prayer for each person I have met these past two months that they will be confident of God's leading in their life. And I sincerely hope I will get to meet each one next winter as I go out recruiting once more. It will be great to see how God worked in their life. And who knows perhaps he will have a place for them at Sunset Lake sometime in the future. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2010 Family Camp -- Filling Fast -- reserve your spot today.

This year's family camp is going to be an extraordinary event. We have brought in an all-star cast of presenters and great new activities to make this an unforgettable week. We'll be joined this year by Dr. John McVay, President of Walla Walla University. He'll be holding an early morning in-depth Bible study, particulary geared for the adults as well as teaching a morning class. Our family Camp Council will be led all week by Randy Fishell, the editor of Guide Magazine. Aside from great family-centered worships he will bring a whole host of fun activities from Guide Magazine, including their "Factory" quiz tournament. In addition there will be several other guests who will be teaching morning classes on a variety of subjects.

This is the first year that we are making a special invitation to the pastors of the Washington Conference and their families to be a part of our week of camp.

We want to encourage you to be a part of this great family event. You'll be hard pressed to find this kind of family vacation experience for this low price anywhere else. Even though registration just opened in February spaces are already filling fast with nearly 80 applicants registered already. We encourage you to sign up as soon as possible to reserve your spot for this amazing week. Go to http://www.sunsetlake.org/ for more information and to register.